Basilio King

I immigrated to the United States from the Philippines in 1965 and attended Youngstown State University for 3 years with a degree in Business and Accounting.  Upon graduation I was drafted into the US Army where I spent a year during the height of the Viet Nam conflict.

Upon discharge from the military my career in Illinois took me to different types of challenging work including Accounting, Internal Auditing, Mainframe Computer Programming and Project Management for the State of Illinois.

I was recruited by the Regional Transportation Authority when they first started to project manage their mainframe Accounting software. Later on, I became their computer center manager for the bus division.

Another career took me to AT&T. I started as tier 2 technical Computer Sales and later went on to Fiber optic sales and Network organization.  My final career before retiring took me to a Silicon Valley company where I set up a prototype manufacturing facility for a printed circuit board manufacturer as well as organizing their facility to be ISO 9002 certified.

I joined ICLRU 9 years ago when Carolyn Simons was the instructor of Oriental Brush Painting.  I have met a lot very nice people and ultimately became friends with many to this day.

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