Bill Amster

I spent my entire working life at AT&T and its spin-off Lucent Technologies (Bell Laboratories). I started as a factory engineer, moved to International Product Management and finally to Wireless. Product management was probably the most interesting, giving me insight into international business while working on a joint venture in Taiwan and equipment bids in China, Mexico and others.

I have traveled to the Far East many times. I have a BS degree in Industrial Engineering and an MBA in Finance, both from Northwestern.

I joined ICL about 15 years ago and have attended many study groups. I have coordinated study groups on The History of Labor Unions, The Korean War, and Great Decisions 2019 as well as an Intersession presentation on The National Debt. Participating in the bridge study group allowed me to renew my interest in bridge and I now play all the time and participate in duplicate bridge tournaments.

I was on the committee that created the Virtual Study Groups, serve as a session host and have done virtual presentations on The Life of Dwight Eisenhower and The National Debt and the Virus. I am also the current Treasurer of ICL.
I bowl, play golf and love sports of all kinds. I live with my wife, Caryn, in Elk Grove Village and, together we have 4 children, 5 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren.

Send in Fall Study Group Proposals by July 26th!
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