Gene Flynn

I spent 35 years in sales and marketing positions at major technology firms while occasionally teaching at the College of Lake County. After retiring from the technology world in 1997, I taught half-time at Harper College and joined ICL.

I was impressed during my first study group when Bob Allen asked if any of the attendees had visited Charlemagne’s Palatine Chapel in Aachen, Germany; six or more hands went up!

Mary and I began leading European travel study groups in 2001. We have since branched out in history, music, and art study groups. I find it rewarding to see members attend travel sessions to plan new trips as well as relive trips from many years ago. While there is a lot of great content on YouTube, to me, the magic ingredient of ICL is shared and cooperative learning.

As an ICL board member, I hope to make more NW suburban residents aware of ICL as well as use social media and communication technologies like Zoom and Facebook to keep alive the cooperative learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Send in Fall Study Group Proposals by July 26th!
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