ICL Intrepid Travel Club

Join us at the next Travel Club meeting — in person — on March 22, from 11:45-am to 12:45 pm in Room 627.  Contact LaRaye Rodriguez for more information. Vaccination rules apply.

Presently, 170 people receive notices of the meetings and the Update afterwards which summarizes the topics discussed at the meeting.

You do not need to be a member of ICL to attend meetings, be on the list, or be on our group trips. We welcome friends, interested travelers whom you have met on other trips, family members, etc. If you know of someone who might be interested in ANY of our trips, please do not hesitate to put them in touch with the group leader.

At present, we have several trips in process with Grand Circle tours which have additional spaces. Even if a trip is labeled as full, if it is one you’d like to take, call Grand Circle Travel or Overseas Adventure Travel. Sometimes, there are cancellations and you may be able to get a space. See below for current trip details.

Tour Operator Information

Grand Circle Travel Reservations and Information — 1.800.221.2610
Grand Circle Travel Customer Service — 1.800.321.2835

Overseas Adventure Travel Reservations and Information — 1.800.955.1925
Overseas Adventure Travel Customer Service — 1.800.221.0814

Hours for both are Monday-Friday 9am — 9pm EST and Saturday-Sunday 9am — 7pm EST


Grand Circle Travel / Overseas Adventure Travel Good Buy Discount (GBD): GBD will be calculated using the date of their Pre-Registration deposit. Travelers must reserve and pay in full by ACH Transfer or check at least 15 months prior to departure for their tour in order to receive the 10% Good Buy Discount.

The actual dates and prices for tours may not be available until you are already inside 15 months prior to your departure date. However, all travelers will be given the opportunity to receive the 10% Good Buy Discount as long as they paid their risk free pre-registration deposit 15 months or more in advance of their 2021 departure date. The schedule is as follows:

Pay in Full prior to your final payment date and your savings off your Total Trip Price would be:

Please visit the Grand Circle Travel website for more information and see their Risk Free Booking Policy.

Upcoming Tours will be Posted Below

Click Here for pictures from previous trips.

Mary Svetlik’s 2017 trip to Croatia:

PDF Files (Give them time to load and scroll down.)

Sign Up for the Members Summer Picnic!
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