Beyond Study Groups

ICL Reads

ICL Reads, a community-wide reading program, provides members with an annual opportunity to engage in a common reading experience that addresses universal themes, issues and topics.

The book selection is introduced in December and the program continues through August via book discussions, researched Study Groups / Intersession Presentations and special events to complement the book.

Books are available on loan and can be obtained in the ICL office. Learn more about ICL Reads…

Social Events

Annual social events typically include:


Field Trips / Excursions

During the year, ICL offers field trips to places of interest to its membership. There have been trips to places such as the Johnson Wax building in Racine, Wisconsin, the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago, as well as several museums and points of interest around the Chicago area. These excursions are in addition to a Field trip that a Study Group may propose. Other excursions have included plays and concerts. There is usually a charge for entrance or admission fee as well as a transportation fee for these trips.  Members should complete the second page, including lunch option, and send it to the Office Manager.

Book Clubs

ICL book clubs are designed to bring together members with similar reading tastes and a desire to share their opinions with others. Club information will be updated periodically. Members are encouraged to contact the different book club leader to join.

Intrepid Travel Club

The Intrepid Travel Club typically plans 3-5 trips each year. These trips go to places around the globe.

Special Interest Groups

Bridge players meet weekly. Information is available at the Office in Rm. 705.

Call for Spring Study Group Proposals
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