April 9, 2024
Experiencing Art (On Campus)
This workshop offers an opportunity to explore different techniques and forms of art, such as brush painting, pen and ink, watercolor, and drawing. All levels of experience and expertise are welcome. Participants will bring their own supplies and materials and will work independently. While class facilitators and participants can offer encouragement, ideas and suggestions to each other, this will NOT be an instructional class.
Coordinators: Basilio King, Christopher Melby and Alfredo Rodriguez
Fun and Games (On Campus)
Compete with your ICLRU friends in class. I will present some familiar games like Left, Right and Center, Ticket to Ride and Rummikub. There will be something for you. Join us for our Fun and Games’ class. Please bring any games that might be fun in class.
Coordinator: Nancy Mieszala
Variety - The Spice of Life (Virtual Class)
This eight-week study group presented on Zoom Tuesday and in the classroom on Thursday, begins March 12, ending May 2. Our films include documentaries on a skilled photographer, a legendary musician, a clever fraudster, Broadway entertainment, women’s fashion, and a comedian celebrated for starring in both black and white and technicolor movies. Plus, a couple of surprises.
Coordinators: Mike and Marilyn Glass
A Flower in You: Advanced (On Campus)
One Stroke Acrylic painting technique, $5 supply fee for 5 classes.
NOTE: This study group is only available to those who have previously participated in 5 or more classes.
Coordinator: Judy Krakowiak
A Survey of World Religions (On Campus and Zoom Simultaneously)
Every group of humans ever discovered has had some kind of religious belief. Yet these beliefs and practices vary widely from one culture to another and even within the same religion. To understand people of other cultures and ethnicities, we need to understand their religions. In this study group, we will explore the earliest evidence of religious practices. As we then strive to gain a basic understanding of the Abrahamic (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), Dharmic (Hindu and Buddhist), and Taoic (Confucianism, Taoism, and Shinto) religions, we will also examine the similarities and differences among them.
Coordinator: Andrea Zietlow
Multicultural Themes Book Club (On Zoom)
The book selection this month is Lady Tan's Circle of Women, by Lisa See (led by Charlene Kornoski-Duvall).