Study Group and Intersession Topic Ideas

Explore ideas from previous Study Groups and Intersessions! Just click on a heading to see a list of topics to consider!

  • Architecture

    • History by time or area
    • Specific architects or styles (Frank Lloyd Wright, Baroque architecture)
  • Arts (Creative)

    • Studio Art – Drawing, Painting, Pastels, Collage
    • Quilting
    • Origami
  • Art History

    • Any period of art history
    • Different geographical area (i.e. Chinese, French, or Indian Art)
    • Particular movements (e.g., Modernism, Impressionism, Surrealism)
  • Arts (Performing)

    • Playwrights
    • Read / Present Plays
    • Writing Plays
  • Biography

    • Any famous or lesser known person of interest
    • Any category of famous people Women, World Leaders)
  • Chicago

    • History of places of interest
    • Famous Chicagoans
    • Chicago films
  • Computers

    • Using the Google Apps in Place of Microsoft Office
    • Amazing Websites
    • Defend Against Viruses, Hackers, and Spam
  • Current Events

    • Any topics of current interest
  • Economics

    • Communism / Capitalism / Socialism
    • Fraud Awareness
    • Estate Planning
    • Increasing Retirement Income
    • Stocks, Bonds, and Other Investments
  • Ecology and Environment

    • Bio-History by state, region, country, or specific time period
    • Impact of Civil Engineering on Environment
    • Natural Resources Management
    • Climate Change
    • Emerging Energy Sources
  • Film

    • Films based on specific topic or time period
    • Films by genre or type (Documentary, Musical)
    • Classic Films
    • Plays or books on film
  • Games

    • Card Games
    • Chess
  • Food and Wine

    • Specific chefs or personalities
    • Food culture by region
    • Healthy Eating and Fad Foods
    • Food and Literature
    • History of specific foods, wines or ethnic cuisines
  • Health

    • Mental / Physical Health
    • Alternative Medicine
    • Body and Mind
    • Memory and the Brain
    • Spiritualists
    • Plants as Food or Medicine
    • Psychology
  • History (American)

    • America during different periods of history
    • American Indians
    • Famous Men and Women
    • Presidents, Past and Present
    • Significant events in US history
    • War in the Middle East
  • History (World)

    • European History (various countries)
    • A significant event in world history
    • Any revolution throughout history
  • History (Ancient)

    • Any ancient civilization
    • The Silk Road
    • Myths in History
  • History (Other)

    • Archeology
    • The United Nations
    • Important Trials in History
    • Turning Points in History
  • International Studies

    • International relations between the U.S. and any country or region
    • The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process
    • Understanding the Middle East
  • Law and Justice

    • The Constitution and Constitutional Law
    • Significant Law Decisions
    • Landmark Decisions of the Supreme Court
    • Amendments to the Constitution
    • The Bill of Rights
    • Crime: Causes, Effects and Proposed Solutions
    • Human Rights and International Law
  • Literature (Authors)

    • A study of any author, poet, playwright
    • Authors from a particular country
  • Literature (Novels)

    • A study of any particular novel
    • Novels from a particular era
    • Novels of a particular genre
  • Literature (Poetry, Essays, Short Stories, Drama)

    • Short Stories from a given country
    • Poetry from a given country
    • History Mirrored Through Poetry
    • Greek Tragedies
    • Reader’s Theater
    • Any category of plays
    • Essays
  • Literature (Miscellaneous)

    • Great Books Discussion Group
    • Literature / Folk Tales from other cultures
    • Women in Literature
  • Music

    • Any Composer Life and Works
    • Ten of the Greatest Orchestral Works
    • Understanding Symphonies / Ballets / Opera
    • Broadway Musicals
    • Big Band and Swing Music
    • American Folk Music
    • Jazz – From Beginning to Now
    • The Roots of Rock & Roll
    • Reflections on African Music
    • Great Choral Music
    • How to listen to great music
  • Nature

    • Bird Watching & Behavior
    • Successes with Endangered Species
    • Gardening Without Breaking Your Back
  • Philosophy

    • Ethical Dilemmas of Our Time
    • Aristotle, Plato and Socrates
    • The Enlightenment
    • Great American Philosophers
    • Great Thinkers of the Western World
    • Medical Ethics
  • Photography

    • Basic Camera Handling
    • Story Telling with Photography
    • Photography as Art
    • Nature Photography
  • Politics

    • Issues in American Foreign Policy
    • Race Relations in the U.S.
  • Religion

    • Biblical Ethics
    • Comparative Religions
    • Understanding any Religion
  • Science

    • Astrology
    • Astronomy
    • Electronics
    • Evolution
    • Geology
    • Medicine
    • Other parts of the Solar System
    • Physics
    • Science of Religion
    • Technology
    • Weather
  • Self-Improvement

    • Right Brain Experiences
    • Medicare Facts and Concerns
    • Memory Improvement
    • Nurturing Creativity
    • Positive, Creative, Joyful Aging
    • Security Awareness and Crime Prevention in the Cyber World
    • Prosperous and Safe Retirement
  • Sports

    • Baseball in America
    • NCAA: Is It Time to Pay College Athletes As Professionals?
    • Football: History and Future
    • The Chicago Sports Hall of Fame
  • Travel

    • What to see and do in any country
    • Share your own travel adventures
  • Social Studies

    • Family Dynamics
    • Social Class and Social Policy
    • Racial Issues
  • Women’s Issues

    • Creative Women in History
    • Forgotten Women in History
    • History of Women’s Suffrage
    • Women in Art and Literature
  • World Geography

    • The people and culture of any country or region
    • Why Geography Matters
    • Great Cities of the Middle Ages
    • Eastern Europe – America’s Blind Spot
  • Writing

    • Creative Writing
    • Journal Writing
    • Memoirs
    • Poetry
    • Short Stories
Send in Fall Study Group Proposals by July 26th!
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